help us help animals in our area
What are we doing?
Recording Incidents
We are setting up a system of recording wildlife injuries and fatalities and identifying hotspots around South Gippsland. We have set up a spreadsheet and other measures and are working on a system to make it easier to report incidents. Ideally, there needs to be an App which makes it very easy for drivers to record incidents.
This information is critical in order to lobby council and government to recognise that this is a serious problem with very little being done about it. Programs such as ours can and do work and therefore more can be done.
Producing in-car information
We're working on a driver kit, which simply outlines what to do if you hit an animal or find an injured one. It's never easy dealing with wildlife in pain. Having information on hand in the car will hopefully mean that injured animals reach medical care quickly, or are spared a prolonged death.
Producing signs
We have successfully lobbied local council to allow us to design, produce and install animal safety signs on council roads at certain times of year. Our trial run, at least anecdotally, was very successful in reducing the number of animal deaths on the roads near where the signs were placed.
We see this as a very significant step forward, but we need to get more of them out there. If we can prove that these signs work, this could be rolled out across the shire and even the state and country.
Increasing Awareness
We have a Facebook Page and are planning a series of public seminars and talks to raise awareness of the problem and what we can do about it. We are also producing a range of merchandise such as car stickers, alerting other drivers that you will brake for wildlife and they should give you some space.
Raising money
Bumper stickers, educational evenings with local wildlife carers and in-car merchandise sales help us to fund our activities and support wildlife rescue shelters. Your donations are always appreciated, particularly following the Black Summer of bushfires.