We are calling him Andy.
Prom Area Climate Action was initiated and founded by people concerned about things like loss of places for animals to live and the carnage of wildlife through collisions with vehicles on our roads.
Andy’s story shows why we have him as our mascot.
Prom Area Climate Action member Andrew McEwen was proudly one of the first to register his habitat restoration and protection project in Meeniyan, with the Nature for Neighbourhoods initiative of the Australian Conservation Foundation, which is locally operated by PACA.
From 2012, when Andrew began constructing his house, he also developed a plan to restore and re-wild his property. When he began, the property, though adjacent to Koala country, didn’t see visits from these beautiful creatures. Sadly, like so many areas and for various reasons, Koala supporting conditions had largely vanished from Andrew’s land.
He began planting hundreds and hundreds of suitable plants to re-establish the various plant communities. He is now able to take great pleasure from all this work, because of the arrival of one of the first Koalas to return to his land. This was Andy.