Last year the Australian Government was calling for submissions for the 'Offshore renewable energy infrastructure area proposal: Bass Strait off Gippsland'. The community consultation opened on 5th August and closed on 7th October.
The area under consideration was as follows:

Many of our ACF Prom Area Climate Action members wrote submissions about how the closest areas to shore would destroy precious wildlife habitat and a pristine national marine park which is home to many different species.
Read one example letter of one of our members here:
Find PACA's submission here:
Read South Gippsland Shire Council's response here.
In December 2022, Energy Minister Chris Bowen declared the new offshore wind zones off the Gippsland coast, which excludes areas west of Wilson's Promontory. Mr Bowen said that the change of the zones was due to community concerns and concerns of the famous orange-bellied parrot, which needed to be worked through. Also, wind turbines east of Wilsons Prom need to be moved 10km offshore.
South Gippsland removed from offshore wind zone after community concerns
View new declared zones and read full article in The Age here.